What are Google Sites? How to use a website builder tool

Google Sites provides an easy-to-use interface for creating simple websites.
Willie B. Thomas/Getty Images

  • Google Sites is a free website builder from Google.
  • You can create websites with collaborators by giving editing access to another Google user.
  • Google Sites is compatible with other Google services such as Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

Google Sites is Google’s free and easy-to-use website building tool.

While the look or feel of Google Sites may not be as evolved as a Squarespace website, there are a few advantages to using the service if you want to create a simple and functional site.

It’s completely free for beginners. There is no limit to the number of sites you can create as long as you stay within the 15 GB storage limit on your Google account.

The Google Sites version has been around since 2008, but there have been significant updates along the way. Google is currently deprecating older sites – called “legacy sites” – in favor of the new version of Website Builder. If you’re a long-time user of an old website, you’ll want to switch to the new Google Page if you want your website to stay up and running in September 2021.

Key Features of Google Sites

Google Sites is integrated with other Google Workspace tools such as Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

So you can import projects from Google Drive to the website you’re building. And like those services, Google Sites can be built, shared, and copied between editors. This is perfect for creating a website for a work project that requires charts and tables, or for an event you’re planning with others.

Once you’ve created your website, you can customize its look and feel using the editing function.

Use the “Insert”, “Pages” and “Themes” tabs to add key elements to your site.
Vivian McCall / Business Insider

You don’t need to have any background in web development or coding to build a website using Google Maps. Every function is intuitive and user-friendly.

You can add images, links, YouTube videos and more to your website using simple templates. Deleting and editing any of them takes just a few clicks.

Once a Google site has served its purpose, you can delete it. But deleting a site is not a permanent action. To restore, simply go to the Trash in your Google Drive. But remember, Google Drive will automatically empty anything that’s been in the Trash for more than 30 days.

Once you delete your site, you can still go into your trash folder and restore or delete it.
Vivian McCall / Business Insider

In general, Google Sites is not as comprehensive as other website building tools. But if you’re looking for a free service for a job presentation, small business, or local event, Google Sites may be exactly what you’re looking for.

We offer you some site tools and assistance to get the best result in daily life by taking advantage of simple experiences