TRCA’s Flood Forecasting and Warning Program is here to help you prepare for flooding.

TRCA regulates risk and accidents

The Greater Toronto Area provides access to many rivers, lakes and streams. The proximity of these bodies of water and the natural flood plains that accompany them create a flood risk and hazard.

Trca Team Members Look At The Impact Of The Spring Flood Event On The Toronto Islands

The Toronto and Regional Conservation Authority (TRCA) provides environmental protection and risk management Relieving Risk of flooding and soil erosion.

Specifically, TRCA identifies and maps flood Risks to reduce flood Risk, it works flood Reduction infrastructure, and provides flood Forecasting and warning services on the ordered side flood Forecast and Warning (FFW) program.

What is the FFW program and why is it important?

of flood The Forecast and Warning (FWF) program is designed to reduce the loss of life and property caused by floods. The program provides local municipalities and the public flood Messages that inform, inform and advise you to respond during heavy rains flood– Related emergencies.

TRCA’s FFW program staff are responsible for assessing and controlling potential flood hazards. flood Workers control the weather and Basin Conditions, matter flood Warning messages, work flood Manage infrastructure, consult TRCA municipal partners on this flood In the event of a storm, it will jeopardize and maintain relationships with agencies.

Palgraf Dam

TRCA works during the advisory period flood Providing expensive events flood Disaster information and technical assistance to municipalities to activate municipal emergency response procedures and measures, including evacuation and road closures.

How is TRCA issued? flood Warnings? By taking out flood messages

Flooding can occur in nearby areas if heavy rain (also known as “rain”) causes water levels and river flows to rise.

TRCA issues a flood A message to the entire jurisdiction when flooding is possible or likely to occur. The message is posted on the website and emailed to municipalities, school boards, the media and members of the public who sign up to receive the messages.

Sign up to get it flood Message emails from TRCA

In addition to extraction flood Messages, there are many other activities going on at this time. flood Events. TRCA Dam Operators perform gate operations as needed, and hydrometry staff maintain TRCA’s network of rain and stream gauges.

During floods, TRCA flood The staff can conduct site visits to inspect and document the condition of the river.

Trca Flood Duty Officer

Instruments used to monitor flooding in TRCA jurisdiction

As part of the FFW program, one of the tools used to manage watersheds includes the newly revised TRCA flood monitoring station,

This website is designed as a resource to assist the TRCA. flood Duty personnel evaluate the current Basin Weather conditions in TRCA territory with access to real-time rainfall and water level gauges.

A Screenshot Of The Trca Website

The website is publicly available and provides information and updates to the public. For example, residents can see how much rain has fallen in an area or how much water has risen in a river.

of flood A monitoring site can serve as an awareness tool for residents to stay informed and learn more about conditions in their local rivers. TRCA’s flood Messages are also displayed on flood If the tracking website is active flood A message is in progress.

of Features flood A tracking website that helps you stay informed

The site map uses shapes, colors and symbols for quick review flood Risk factors in TRCA reservoirs.

The Trca Real-Time Gauge Map Uses Shape Colors And Symbols To Quickly Assess Flood Risk Conditions

Other features include:

Homepage and site map

Measurement page


Downloads and reports

About TRCA’s real-time monitoring tools

TRCA uses stream and rainfall gauges that transmit recorded measurements to their staff in real time. These parameters are connected to the database via mobile internet connection and then displayed on the website.

Learn more about TRCA’s Real-time flood Surveillance network.

Three Seasons Peak Bucket Measure
A Measure Of Four Seasons
Current Meter Nest

Examples of rain gauges (above left and center) and stream gauges (above right).

Where: at TRCAGAuging.CA

Visit now to start exploring conditions on your local river or stream

Download a copy of TRCA’s flood Follow the website guide to learn more.

Find more information on River floods And use the collected resources To know the latest flood– Relevant information.

We offer you some site tools and assistance to get the best result in daily life by taking advantage of simple experiences