Tools to improve website speed and performance

Why are speed boosters even important? Will they benefit us in the long run? What tools help us improve website performance?

Technical SEO and page speed optimization using Lighthouse
Photo by Myriam Jessier on pull out

Based on the topic of this article, we will be looking at a list of tools that we can use to optimize the speed and performance of the website.

Before going directly to the details, let’s remember whether your application is built with the best technology stack and your application is tested in all testing approaches such as unit tests, integration tests, end-to-end tests, etc. – and the coverage is 100 percent. Let me tell you though, if your website can’t load in 3 seconds or less, it’s all ineffective.

If a website can’t load in less than 3 seconds, retaining customers is a challenge, and if they don’t stay on your website, who will see your favorite features, and what will your test cases do about it?

So, build on vanilla JS or React/Vue/Angular, etc. and pay attention to your website’s speed and performance.

Don’t get me wrong here about other testing techniques – they are just as important as performance testing – if you don’t believe me, check out my other article where I look at more front-end testing techniques.

In this article, you’ll learn tools to test your website’s performance and how to improve visibility and user experience and speed up page loads for your website. Now that you know why speed testing is important, here are the following tools to help you test page load and improve website performance.

– Google Page Speed ​​Insights

Google PageSpeed ​​Insights Tool
Google PageSpeed ​​Insights Tool

Google PageSpeed ​​Insights is one of the best tools for generating performance reports. It also provides constructive factors that cause problems with your website, such as page load speed, and solutions to those specific problems. PageSpeeed is free for both mobile and desktop.

Website link

– Web page testing

Web page testing tool
Web page testing tool

WebPageTest is used to test website speed, and was created by Patrick Mena (while working at AOL), and WebPageTest was released in 2008 — About WebpageTest. It runs speed tests from basic to advanced, captures videos of website content, and suggests solutions for issues like website cached elements, image enhancement tools, etc.

Website link

– Pingdom website speed test

Pingdom website speed test tool
Pingdom website speed test tool

Pingdom’s website speed test is used to analyze aspects of website speed factors, and can check the results of multiple geographic areas (such as Asia, North America, Europe, etc.).

Website link

– GTmetrix

GTmetrix tool
GTmetrix tool

GTmetrix is ​​similar to the Pingdom tool used to test website speed quickly and easily. Geographical location, browser and connection speed can also be selected by the user, but not everything comes for free and you need to upgrade to the Pro package to access all the features.

Website link

– Improvements

Uptrends tool
Uptrends tool

Uptrends offers 10 locations and the option to run the test on a desktop or mobile device. The free version does not support alerts and other features, but for $16.21 per month, you get many other features.

Website link

– surface area

Page area tool
Page area tool

Pagelocity analyzes and optimizes web pages and the word “appearance” It came Page And Speed. Initially, its main target was towards performance, but now it offers other features like engaging audience, on-page SEO and so on.

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– dotcom-supervisor

dotcom-monitor website speed test tool
dotcom-monitor website speed test tool

Dotcom-Monitor offers 25 different locations and 7 different browsers to run tests. You can also check the repeat visits of your users on your website. Dotcom Monitor generates Page Speed ​​Insights reports using Lighthouse.

Website link

– Daredevil

Dareboost tool
Dareboost tool

Dareboost allows you to monitor the speed of your website, and you can set your own limits to detect slowdowns and degradation. The detailed report is generated to analyze the performance of the website through Dareboost.

Website link

There are many devices to choose from with different unique features. So, I recommend finding the set of features that you think best suits your needs and trying them out. Once you want to develop your website, test your web pages speed which will play a vital role later on. If your website doesn’t respond quickly, it’s hard to keep your audience engaged with your website.

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