The main differences between AI chat tools are explained.

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The battle between Google and Microsoft On Tuesday, Google opened public access to Bard, its new AI chatbot tool and ChatGPT’s latest competitor, but the two have big differences, their ability to remember past conversations and their limited knowledge base.

Key facts

Available only in select markets in the US and UK, prospective users can sign up here. Waiting list To gain access to Bard, which Claims To help users plan a birthday party, understand complex topics and create a pros and cons list for a solid decision.

In an effort to differentiate the chatbot, which is designed to provide human-like responses, from the popular search engine, Google has created a dedicated website for Bard.

Bard works on Google’s Big Learning Language Model for Conversational Apps (LaMDA) which promises to be updated with new information over time.

In the year In November 2022, Microsoft-backed OpenAI ChatGPIT, an AI-powered chatbot that can answer questions and solve specific problems, like writing a college-level essay or drafting a deal between an artist and producer.

Google has been in the running to compete with OpenAI since December 2022, announcing “Code red” in response to starting chatgpt.

The main differences

Although both Open AI And google Admitting that their chatbots aren’t perfect and can occasionally say inaccurate or offensive things, the two are very different.

  • Coding: One of the most popular things that have given Chat GPT popularity is its capabilities. Creating Complex code. It can even edit code. Researchers from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and University College London pit the chatbot against industry-standard “automated program maintenance methods” and two common deep learning approaches, and find that ChatGPT is “competitive with conventional deep learning methods” and “significantly better.” Results than conventional program maintenance approaches, according to them Paper Published in arXiv. However, Google he said. Bard is “still learning to code”, so the feature doesn’t exist yet.
  • Chat Maintenance: basis Thanks to OpenAI, ChatGPT can remember what was said in previous conversations. But there are two caveats: the bot can only remember up to 3,000 words (anything more than that isn’t stored) and it doesn’t use past speech to generate responses. Bard’s ability to preserve context is “still limited”, Google he said.But the company’s capabilities are increasing over time.
  • Answers: One of the biggest differences between the two is the Bard LaMDA can. Draw the answers From the Internet, so it will always have the latest responses. It is also integrated into the Google search engine and can provide direct links to websites when requested. On the other hand, ChatGPT works on generative pre-training Transformer-4 (GPT-4), so all the responses are from the knowledge base, which has a cut-off date of September 2021, so it is limited to new data and research.
  • Language: Discussion GPT He knows Several languages, including Spanish, French, Arabic, Mandarin, Italian, Japanese, and Korean, although respondents’ proficiency varied by language and the dominant language was English. He is a bard. Only available. And he can only speak in English.
  • Drafts Bard creates different versions of each question (called “”.Drafts”), allowing users to select the best response. This was implemented because there is a “sense of authority” when only one response is used, said Jack Krawczyk, Google’s senior product director. They spoke MIT Technology Review. ChatGPT provides only one response to queries.

An amazing fact

At Google Field in February, Bard gave an incorrect answer to a question during a promotional video, which cost Google parent company Alphabet $100 billion in market value.

Further reading

Google Releases ‘Bard’ AI Chatbot in Competition for ChatGPT (Forbes)

Here’s what you need to know about OpenAI’s ChatGPT—disruptive and how to use it (Forbes)

New AI Chatbot Wastes $100 Billion After Giving Wrong Answers to Ads (Forbes)

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