Roku Just Banned Channel Pear – One of the most popular Roku Private Channels

Roku Express 2017 E1506906145491Again in early August Rocco It has made it clear that it intends to remove any service that pirates content from its devices. It now appears that Roku has banned one of the most popular private Roku channels, the Pear channel and with the next update, it will be removed from Roku players.

Tonight several of our readers have messaged us to let us know that with the recent pear channel update, the channel is from their Roku player. After XTV was banned, many users turned to Channel Pear as an alternative and Roku seems to have taken notice.

Here’s the notification you’ll find after Channel Pear loads after today’s update.

This appears to be part of Roku’s campaign against piracy. Roku recently posted the following warning, which anyone trying to add an unapproved Roku channel sees:

This channel is not supported. Roku requires all channels to comply with the Roku Terms and Conditions and only distribute legal content. Roku does not test or review uncertified channels. By continuing, you acknowledge that you are accessing an unapproved channel that may contain content that is offensive or inappropriate for some audiences. Furthermore, if Roku determines that such channel infringes copyright, contains illegal content, or otherwise violates Roku’s terms and conditions, ROKU may remove such channel without prior notice.

Roku is also adding new requirements for uploading a channel to Roku. These new requirements appear to be intended to make developers identify themselves. Now if you want to cast a Roku channel, you need to do the following:

  1. use a verified email address,
  2. Link at least one Roku device to their account, and
  3. You have a registered payment method.

This all comes after Roku was caught up in a lawsuit in Mexico over disbelief Rocco Channels that allow hacking. Because of the lawsuit targeting the creators of Roku Channels, a Mexican court has banned all sales in Mexico. Roku is still fighting the ban on Roku sales in Mexico, but at this time, the ban is still in effect.

If you’re adding Roku channels from the Roku Channel Store, don’t worry. This change only affects Roku channels that you don’t find inside the Roku Channel Store and must be added with a code.

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