Microsoft is adding AI Copilot to its Office software.

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Microsoft is introducing generative AI tools into its office software, including Word, Excel and Outlook emails. Ted S. Warren-AP

Microsoft is introducing artificial intelligence tools into its office software, including Word, Excel and Outlook email.

The company announced Thursday that the new feature, dubbed Copilot, is a processing engine that allows users to summarize long emails, create stories in Word and animated slides in PowerPoint.

Microsoft 365 General Manager Colette Stallbaumer said the new features are currently only available to 20 enterprise customers. It will be rolled out to more enterprise customers in the coming months.

Microsoft is marketing it as a tool to help employees be more productive by freeing up the time they usually spend in inbox or analyzing trends in Excel.

The Redmond, Washington-based tech giant adds a chat function called Business Chat. It looks like the famous ChatGPT. It takes orders and performs actions – such as summarizing a specific project email to colleagues – using user data.

“Today is the next major step in the evolution of how we interact with computing,” Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said in a statement.

Mattel, Instacart and other companies were there Integrating creative AI tools Like chatgpty and image generator Dall-E to come up with ideas for new toy cars and answer customer food questions.

Microsoft rival Google said this week that it is integrating generative AI tools into its own workplace apps, such as Google Docs, Gmail and Slides. Google says it will roll out the features “to its trusted testers continuously” throughout the year.

Microsoft’s announcement came two days later After OpenAI, Powered by the AI ​​technology that Microsoft relies on, it’s expanded The latest model of artificial intelligence, GPT-4.

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