How to embed Taskade on your website

Learn how to embed a Taskade project into a website or blog to simplify your workflow.

Image: Luke Peters / Unsplash

If you use Taskade as a project management tool and your website team members use it, you may want to combine the two to make the workflow easier. That’s the goal, right? To work smarter, not harder? You’ll be happy to know that Taskade lets you embed an entire project into your website so you have a single point for all your team’s needs.

See: Hiring Kit: Project Manager (TechRepublic Premium)

I want to show you how easy it is to do this so that everyone is literally on the same page. This also allows you to share your project with those outside the team, as you have stakeholders who can check the progress of the project but don’t want to give direct access.

What you need to embed the Taskade project into your website

You’ll need three things to make this work: a valid Taskade account, a Denied project, and a website to add the embed code to. no more.

How to find the embedded code in Taskade

Log in to your Taskade account and navigate to the project you want and click the share icon near the top right corner of the window (Figure A).

Figure A

Share Icon In Action Project.

In the resulting pop-up menu (Figure BClick Invite to Project.

Figure B

The Next Pop-Up Menu On The Way To The Embed Code.

In the new windowImage c), click the Embed tab.

Image c

You Have Several Sharing Options From This Window.

In the embed tab you will be provided with a link that you can use for your website (Image d).

Image d

The Embed Code Is Displayed In The Taskade Share Feature.

One thing you can change is the height and width of the embed code. By default it is set to 100% width and 400px height. You don’t have to change those numbers now. I recommend saving the embed code and making the changes after you see how it looks on your website.

Next, click Copy Code to copy it to your clipboard. With that embed code ready, go to your website and find the page where you want to add the code. For example, if your site is powered by WordPress, you add a custom HTML block and paste the code into it. As you can see (Image E), you get a quick preview of what the project will look like in a WordPress post.

Image E

My Project Is Successfully Uploaded In Wordpress Post.


That’s all. You can now easily embed a rejected project or job position into your company website to streamline your team’s workflow.

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