How ChatGPT helps you build a website

Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade’s specialty is identifying malicious software to see how it attacks computers.

It’s a relatively obscure field of cybersecurity, which is why he hosted a weeklong seminar at Johns Hopkins University last month to teach students the complexities of engineering malware.

Many of his students had little to no coding background, but he was confident that a new tool would ease the challenge: He told the students to sign up for ChatGPT.

“Programming languages ​​are languages,” says Guerrero Sade, an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins, referring to what ChatGPT software does. “So it’s become an amazing tool for typing things, very fast, boilerplate code.”

ChatGPT launched to the public in November and quickly gained millions of users who enjoyed its amazing ability to mimic anything from Seinfeld scripts and limericks to religious texts and Shakespeare’s sonnets.

And while there are many speculations about his abilities disturbance writing WorksSome computer scientists are thinking that the immediate impact will be on the people whose work it is. It was once considered “future protection”.He said. YouTube and TikTok are flooded with videos showing how people have found ways to do ChatGPT, from completely building tasks that once required a significant amount of coding skills. Websites to the Data scraping from the internet.

“The hottest new programming language is English.” He tweeted. Adrej Karpati, former senior director at Tesla Artificial Intelligence and founding member of OpenAI.

ChatGPT’s ability to mimic a particular author or style comes from the fact that developers are trained on the public information readily available and distributed on the Internet, including published computer code repositories and troubleshooting how-to discussions. This gives ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot, a similar program designed for coding, a rich foundation for how to complete all kinds of programming tasks, said Grady Buch, principal scientist of software engineering at IBM.

“They have an open book — they have the Internet at their fingertips,” Butch said. “Perhaps the questions already answered have been answered. So it will be easier, faster.

That won’t put professional programmers out of a job anytime soon, but it’s accelerating them, Butch said. Even before Chat GPT, coders who encountered problems often used Google to find a solution.

“It will not change my business. “But it hastened it for me,” he said. “It is not revolutionary. It’s an evolution,” he said.

David Yu and two other engineers They beat him. Nearly 300 programmers could build the most exciting AI software program in a competition held in San Francisco last week. His team’s project, titled “GPT is all you need for the backend,” shows how to use chatbots to run some important but non-specialized applications.

Yu said that software engineers have been building these tools for years, but he was surprised by the speed at which they recently took off.

“I think there’s no doubt about its inevitability. But the speed at which it’s perfected is amazing,” he said.

ChatGPT and related technologies are not perfect. They can introduce code errors, and some have questioned whether the code they generate is secure. But as long as they have some programming-savvy human minds, this might not be a big problem. Siddharth Garg, a professor of computer engineering at New York University, said he and his colleagues recently completed a first-of-its-kind study in which they gave groups of students a coding assignment, but only allowed some to use ChatGPT or Copilot. to help.

“We didn’t see a significant difference in the incidence of security errors between human-sourced code and code generated by Copilot or ChatGPT,” Garg said.

“Yes, there are security mistakes, but people also make security mistakes. At least we didn’t notice a big difference.

What does all of this mean for people who learn to code in the hope that many people will be in a lucrative career? Not all are pessimistic about their future.

“Generative AI can automatically generate code, make software easier to create, and empower the software engineer,” writes Hadi Patovi, CEO of technology education charity Part of a long twitter thread About the subject. “This will accelerate the creation (and demand) of software, and more people will become software engineers,” he concluded.

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