GTmetrix vs Pageseed Insights | Website monitoring tools

Performance monitoring is critical to gaining actionable insights from your website’s performance data. See how website tracking tools GTmetrix and PageSpeed ​​compare.

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There are many things to consider when analyzing a website’s performance. Fortunately, website monitoring tools can measure and analyze aspects such as page load distribution, overall speed, user experience, and more. We compare the features and capabilities of two website monitoring tools; GTmetrix And Page speed insightsTo determine the best solution for your performance monitoring needs.

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What is GTmetrix?

GTmetrix is ​​a website monitoring solution that allows users to monitor the performance of their website over time. The software measures websites based on loading speed, load time, user experience and other key performance indicators.

What is PageSpeed ​​Insights?

PageSpeed ​​Insights is an online tool that reports website performance and provides users with actionable recommendations for improvements. Additionally, it sets scores for website pages through a performance analyzer.

GTmetrix vs PageSpeed ​​Insights feature comparison

Scheduled page tracking performance result Performance history Alarm SEO Insights
Page speed insights

Common features of GTmetrix and PageSpeed ​​Insights

performance result

GTmetrix conducts performance scoring based on performance monitoring over time. The GTmetrix report includes data and metrics from Lighthouse and generates a GTmetrix grade for the website. The GTmetrix grade is a combination of the website’s performance speed and performance to reflect the user’s overall website experience. The score is a weighted average of performance score and structure score, which is continuously monitored and updated. The performance score is captured by Gmetrics tests and defined analytics options to tell users how their site is performing from a user’s perspective. The configuration score measures things like page speed and latency for performance optimization. The performance report page provides performance metrics such as total position change, largest content color, and more.

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PageSpeed ​​Insights scores users’ websites based on their real-world performance. The reporting parameters include initial content color and DOMContentLoaded. The average value of each metric is analyzed against all the pages tracked by the Chrome User Experience Report to determine whether it is fast, slow, or average. When a page is analyzed to evaluate its performance, the optimization results are provided by Page Speed ​​Insights. It then evaluates the page in two areas that can be improved, time from page load and time to full page load. Finally, the score is categorized as good, medium or low based on the site’s score out of 100.

Performance history

The GTmetrix solution provides automated website monitoring as scheduled by the user. Users can track their performance over time by viewing their historical data in interactive graphs. Users can configure the graph view based on date ranges to get specific performance data in their monitoring history. The platform allows users to access their history graphs in history tabs. The charts provide information about when the performance data was collected and other related options for viewing and comparing the data.

PageSpeed ​​Insights works differently than Gtmetrics to run historical reports. While GTmetrix provides history based on scheduled monitoring, PageSpeed ​​Insights reports the past performance of URLs. Its field data is a historical record of URL performance that represents anonymous performance data from users in the real world across a variety of network conditions and devices. This information is based on the simulated load on the page. Of course, you can monitor your PageSpeed ​​Insights over time by running manual scans or connecting the program to a third-party tool to enable scheduled automatic page tracking.


GTmetrix offers scheduled monitoring and notifies users when their site is underperforming. By monitoring the pages on a regular schedule, users can configure their alert options and receive alerts about different situations. For example, poor performance alerts can be based on page time, total page size, web vitals, and other factors. Users can combine videotaped page loads with monitored alerts to save video of the page load that triggered the alert for further analysis.

PageSpeed ​​Insights analyzes users’ website data and informs them of performance results and issues. For example, if your website achieves a low server response time, users will be notified that they have failed their audit. The system notifies users if there is a problem that requires resolution and can provide suggestions for improvement methods. Of course, these alerts are only provided when the system runs a manually requested report on the performance of websites. Unfortunately, PageSpeed ​​doesn’t automatically track and, therefore, doesn’t provide automatic alerts for low-performing websites. However, integrations with third-party solutions can enable this feature.

How to choose between GTmetrix and PageSpeed ​​Insights

GTmetrix and PageSpeed ​​Insights bring their own valuable features and capabilities to the table for website monitoring and analysis. So which product is the right website tracking tool for your business?

To determine the best option for your needs, you should consider the different aspects between the two solutions and what users will be best served. For example, GTmetrix may be a better option for companies and organizations that update websites quickly or serve a rapidly changing market. This is because they can automatically schedule monitoring that allows users to get updates on their website. However, the PageSpeed ​​Insights tool may be better for users who are new to website performance monitoring and want to take advantage of the solution’s online accessibility and simple optimization suggestions.

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