Best Website Monitoring Tools and Services 2022


Website monitoring tools and services

Better leisure time

Image: A Better Pastime

Better leisure time It offers monitoring, risk management and status page among other services. Its website claims the company “monitors 100,000+ web pages every minute.”

The free version of Better Uptime monitors every three minutes and can provide alerts via email, Slack or Microsoft Teams. The Freelancer plan ($24/month) offers 50 monitors, adds 30-second checks and phone and SMS alerts, as well as the ability to capture screenshots of site errors. Additional updates will support additional displays and app integrations.


Image: Freshworks

FreshnessFreshworks offers availability and response time checks, SSL and DNS monitoring, and a variety of integrations from 10 locations around the world.

The free version of Sprout offers 50 checks per minute, five public status pages, 10 users, advanced monitoring, and multiple integrations like Zapier, Webhooks, Freshstatus, Freshdesk, Freshservice, Slack, and Twilio. Blossom Edition ($11/month billed annually) expands checks to 60, allows up to 12 users, and provides 10 integrations, SSL monitoring, and other configuration options. Other improvements include scanning, users, data retention periods, and expansion options.

Station 24×7

Image: Site24X7

Station 24×7Zoho Corporation Services provides website, server, cloud, network, application performance and real-time user monitoring.

The free forever plan allows you to monitor up to 50 URLs or servers with email notifications. The Starter Plan ($9/month billed annually) supports monitoring for 10 websites/servers, one synthetic web marketing monitor, one minute polling frequency, three status pages, five network monitoring interfaces, and 50 SMS/voice credits per month. Upgrade options include support for more sites/servers, more synthetic web transitions, and more SMS/voice prompts, among other improvements.

SolarWinds Pingdom

Image: Solarwinds

SolarWinds Pingdom It provides periodic monitoring, page speed analysis, transaction monitoring and status pages.

Human Monitoring Plan 10 hourly checks, one advanced check, page speed monitoring and email and SMS notification, public status pages and reports for $10 per month annually This plan also includes transaction monitoring, which allows you to verify the complexity. Functions such as new account registration, search, and shopping cart checkout are working as expected. Upgrades allow for more time and advanced checks and additional real-time user tracking capabilities, among other features.

Status cake

Image: Status Cake

Status cake Manages time, page speed, domain, server and SSL certificate monitoring.

The free plan includes 10 time trackers, five-minute test intervals, and one each of Page Speed ​​Monitor, Domain Monitor, and SSL Monitor. The Premium plan ($20.41/month) increases the number of time monitors to 100, reduces test intervals to one minute, and provides 15 pages of speed monitors, three server monitors, and 50 domain and 50 SSL monitors. Other plans increase the number of monitors and add group devices. Team monitoring solutions allow for multiple users and templated, branded email vacation alerts.


Image: Uptimerobot

UptimeRobot It offers website, SSL, ping, port, cron jobs and keyword trackers among other services. It claims to have more than 1.5 million users and companies with more than 6 million monitors.

The free plan includes 50 demos with a five-minute scan for basic monitoring. The PRO plan ($15/month) includes 50 displays with one-minute checks and adds SMS/voice call alerts (20 per month) and access to the status page. Updates provide additional displays and higher priority support. The integrations include support for Twitter, Slack, Zapier, Telegram, and Discord, among others.


Image: Uptimia

Uptimia More than 170 tracking stations around the world offer time, speed, transaction and real-time user tracking options.

The Starter plan ($9/month) includes 10 periodic scans, one-minute intervals, one advanced scan, website speed at five-minute intervals, and real user tracking with up to 150,000 page views per website. Standard plan ($29/month) adjusts hourly checks to 50, advanced checks to five, site speed monitoring to one minute intervals, supports real user monitoring of up to 750,000 page views for five sites, and adds support for up to five users. Other plans include inspections and regulatory restrictions for more stations and traffic.


Image: Improvements

Part of the ITRS Group, Improvements Provides website, uptime, application, web performance and API monitoring. More than 30,000 users rely on its monitoring service. Time tracking uses more than 225 checkpoints around the world.

A free account provides monitoring and email alerts for one site. The starter plan ($16.21/month) includes 10 time trackers, a set of selected checkpoints, a public status page, alert escalation configuration, and SMS, email, and mobile app alerts. Upgrade options for additional users, selected checkpoints, API monitoring, and error snapshots Views and other items add support.

Image: Webgazer It allows you to monitor web pages and API endpoints with what it calls Gazer, as well as send and monitor HTTP requests in batches.

The free version can track one gasser and one pulse and send email alerts. The Basic plan ($19/month) includes up to 15 gauges and 10 pulses, and adds Slack, Webhook, phone and SMS alerts. Additional upgrades will offer more visual and heart rate monitoring, performance monitoring, status pages, and additional user accounts, among other features. The site shows a summary of what the service has “done in the last 24 hours” (eg 515,087 views, 119 events booked and 268 notifications sent).

What is website monitoring software?

Website monitoring software will check your website availability frequently. If so, the system simply records that everything is fine. If your site is not responding as expected, the system may alert you that it has been interrupted.

For example, when major websites or services such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Salesforce or Slack experience an outage, people flock to tools such as Twitter or Downdetector to confirm and provide feedback. The sheer number of people who rely on these sites ensures that significant problems can be seen not only by site/service users and the full-time teams paid to monitor site/service performance, but also by mainstream media sources.

See: Guide to Scheduled Vacations (TechRepublic Premium)

But many website and website service outages go undetected because they affect only a few people trying to access the website or service. If you are a site owner or administrator, this downtime can affect your credibility with customers as well as your site’s search ranking, as a less accessible site may be less likely to be listed in search results. Worse yet, content management system downtime can be the result of a security flaw, site hacking, or a poorly performing web hosting provider.

How to choose the best website monitoring service

The services below provide the primary ability to monitor your website and alert you to website outages. The three most important factors to consider when choosing a website monitoring service are the number of testing sites, the frequency of testing, and the alerting methods available.

Test areas

First, make sure that a marketer maintains test sites that correspond to the areas of website visitors you want to serve. Web monitoring services send signals from multiple locations to check site availability and page load speed (ie, response time). Testing access from multiple locations allows the service to determine if your site is available in most locations, but not from a test server in New York. This type of limited availability usually indicates a local outage or outage and does not indicate a problem with your site that you need to address.

Frequency of tests

Second, pay attention to the gap between availability tests. In some plans, the interval between checks can be as little as five minutes, which may be sufficient for most regular data stations. However, checks can be repeated every 30 seconds. For example, when you run an eCommerce website and rely on sales and availability, more frequent checks make a lot of sense. Improved plans often provide for repeated testing.

Alarm methods

Third, available warning methods also vary significantly. Almost all web monitoring services offer email alerts: When your site is detected as unavailable, the system sends you an email to notify you. Often, more urgent notification methods — such as an SMS text, a phone call, or a direct message via Twitter or Slack — can get attention sooner. With some plans, you can manage a series of escalating alerts to notify groups of people with a series of missing messages.

Other features

Beyond the three core issues listed above—locations, frequency, and alerts—many website monitoring services offer additional details and services to track. Some services may detect page content changes and alert you. Unexpected changes in page content can be a cause for concern, such as site hacking. Additionally, many website monitoring services can alert you to changes in domain name server (DNS) settings, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates, or Application Programming Interface (API) availability.

See: 2022 Best Network Monitoring Software and Tools (TechRepublic)

Some services and plans include a status page. This page, typically hosted by the vendor (since a site outage will typically bring down the status page on your own site), shows the current and/or historical availability of your site. A status page may also include the ability to display messages from your team. That way, in the event of an outage, our customers can check the status page to see what progress is being made to get your site and service back up and running.

The cost of website monitoring services also varies. Many providers offer a free option that allows you to monitor a few locations a few times an hour and alerts you of outages via email. Paid plans, which generally start in the $10 to $20 per month range, allow you to monitor multiple websites, from multiple locations, scan multiple times, and have more control over the method and number of people who are detected when outages are detected.

If you have a website, make sure you keep track of the time

Any of the website uptime trackers above will notify you when your website is unavailable. That information can help you take steps to improve performance, whether it’s through site changes or a simple upgrade to a high-performance hosting plan. Constant outages may prompt you to look for an alternative web hosting service.

Ultimately, a website outage is like a blocked entrance to a building: it blocks access, signals a problem, and ultimately prompts people to go elsewhere. If you run a website, choose and use one of the above tools to make sure you’re the first to know when your site is down.

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