7 tools to estimate and compare the cost of living in different cities

While there are many factors to consider when moving to a new city, the cost of living is perhaps the most important. Be sure to factor in the cost of living, especially if you’re relocating for a better-paying job.

If you don’t have any friends to guide you in your new place, you can ask for help from these online tools to estimate and compare the cost of living in different cities.

Screenshot Of Nerdwallet'S Cost Of Living Calculator

NerdWallet needs little introduction. The platform allows you to make informed financial decisions thanks to its tools and guidelines. And if you’re thinking of relocating, it has a cost-of-living comparison tool too.

The tool will ask you to enter your current city, the city you plan to move to, and your pre-tax income. It then shows how much income is needed in the new city to maintain your standard of living.

Below the overview, Nerd Wallet compares the costs of different categories separately. These include housing, transportation, food, recreation, and health care. Click on these to see the estimated prices of various items available in both cities.

For example, you can look at the average rent for a two-bedroom apartment, the price of a dozen eggs, the price of a gallon of gas, and the fees for a doctor’s visit.

For each city, NerdWallet has a city life page that provides more detailed insight into cost of living, demographics, and quality of life. Thanks to these details, you can find the best place to live. It’s a great tool, but it’s limited to US cities.

Numbeo Cost Of Living Calculator

Unlike most tools on the list, Numbeo’s cost of living calculator isn’t limited to the US. It has information for about 450 cities worldwide.

Just enter your current city, the city you’re comparing, and your current costs. For better understanding, the tool allows you to select a preferred currency.

Then it is estimated how much you need to spend in the new city to maintain your standard of living. of Cost of living comparison It shows the variety like consumer goods, rent, groceries, etc.

Below, you will see a very detailed comparison of various goods and services. These include the cost of utilities, sports, transportation, childcare and rent. Numbeo provides a broader view by comparing average salaries between the two cities.

Finally, he has Cost of living estimatorWhich factors and expenses in your lifestyle to estimate the cost of living.

A Screenshot Of The Cost Of Living Calculator

Basically, PayScale is a platform to provide salary estimates to professionals and employers. But it has a cost of living calculator on its website. It also asks you to move into two cities to compare your income and provides an estimate of the income needed to maintain a standard of living.

What sets it apart from other tools is that it can compare the cost of living in any city to the national average. In addition to the overall average, it also displays housing, utility and grocery data along with category-wise graphs.

Moreover, you can see the approximate prices of various goods in any city. For example, you can see how much a bunch of bananas, a loaf of bread and a vet visit would cost in a Texas town.

Expatistan Cost Of Living Screenshot

Expatistan is a site that helps expats find reliable information about the cost of living and salaries. It has two tools to estimate the cost of living.

First, you can compare the cost of living in two cities. It offers a general difference in prices as well as a category-wise change. Similarly, there is a tool to compare the cost of living across countries.

The third tool shows the average cost of living in a particular city, depending on whether you live alone or with a family. In the same way, you can use it Cost of living in the country To find the national average.

Expatistan ranks all countries and major cities based on cost of living. It has data for cities all over the world, so there is no location restriction.

Bestplaces Price Residential Screenshot

BestPlaces provides a lot of information about different cities, which will help you choose the best place to live. There is a cost of living website that provides detailed information.

The BestPlaces 2022 cost of living (which adjusts annually) estimates the equivalent salary in the new city after taking into account your current location and income. Apart from general comparison, the tool offers comparison of different categories like food, housing, utilities, transport etc.

This is a great free tool for general comparisons. However, you will need to modify your plan to accommodate the estimated cost of living based on your family, taxes, and lifestyle. A premium account costs $9.99 per month.

If you plan to move to a new city, you can use it too. Compare the equipment of cities In addition to living expenses to get a complete picture.

Smartasset Cost Of Living Screenshot

SmartAsset aims to help people manage their money better. For that, the site has various guides and tools. The cost of living calculator takes into account the number of adults and children in the household in addition to common factors such as city and income.

The tool not only compares living costs and wages, but also provides tax, housing and food costs separately.

Ramsey Cost Of Living Screenshot

Ramsey Solutions is a financial advisor that hosts popular shows on managing money. The Housing Price Calculator works the same way as other tools. Enter the cities and the salary and see the overall comparison.

The tool lets you estimate the costs of housing, utilities, food, transportation, etc. on your own. For example, you can compare rental costs in two cities.

To do this, enter the cities and scroll down to see the gap. Then expand the housing category, enter your current housing costs, and see how they’ll change in your new city. The website has guides on the cost of living by state and relocation, which you may find useful.

Estimate the cost of living in a new city

Whether you’re moving for work or personal reasons, these tools can provide accurate cost-of-living estimates. Although it’s an important consideration, it’s not just the cost of living that you need to consider.

When choosing a city to live in, consider job opportunities, quality of life, amenities, diversity and crime rate. Once you’ve decided to move, many apps can help you through the process.

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