6 free web scraping tools for large datasets

Web scraping is one of the most important skills to develop as a data scientist; You need to know how to search, collect and clean your data so that your results are accurate and meaningful. When choosing a web scraping tool, you should consider some things such as API integration and large-scale scraping capabilities. This article presents six tools that you can use for various data collection projects.

6 free web scraping tools

  1. Pulling together
  2. Good
  3. Content mover
  4. Webhose.io
  5. ParseHub
  6. Scrapingbee

The good news is that web scraping doesn’t have to be boring; You don’t even need to spend a lot of time doing it manually. Using the right equipment can save you a lot of time, money and effort. Additionally, these tools can be useful for analysts or people who don’t have much (or any) coding experience.

It’s worth noting that the legality of web scraping is in question, so before we dive deeper into the tools that can help your data mining operations, let’s make sure your activity is completely legal. In 2020, the US Court Completely legal web scraping Publicly available data. That is, if anyone can find the data online (eg in wiki articles) it is legal to scrape it.

Is Your Web Scraping Legal?

  • Do not reuse or republish the data in a manner that infringes copyright.
  • Adhere to the terms of service for the site you’re trying to scrape.
  • Have a reasonable visit rate.
  • Do not attempt to scrape private areas of the website.

As long as you don’t violate any of these terms, your web scraping activity should be legal. But Don’t take it My word for it.

If you have ever built a data science project using PizenThen maybe you will use it Nice soup To collect your data and analyze Pandas. This article presents six web scraping tools that don’t include BeatifulSoup, but will help you gather the information you need for your next post. Projectfor free.

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1. Pulling together

Creator of Pulling together They developed this tool because they believe that everyone should have the opportunity to explore and analyze the world around them to identify patterns. They previously provided large corporations and research institutions with high-quality data for any curiosity to support the open source community.

This means that whether you’re a university student, someone working your way through data science, a researcher looking for your next topic of interest, or a curious person looking to uncover patterns and discover trends, you can use CommonCrow without a second thought. Payments or other financial problems.

Common Crawl provides open datasets of raw web data and text mining. It also provides support for instructors teaching non-coding use cases and data analysis.

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2. Good

Good Another interesting option is that you can analyze it without writing any code, especially if you just want to extract basic data from a website or extract data in CSV format.

All you need to do is enter the URL, your email address (to send you the extracted data) and your desired data (CSV or JSON). Voila! The scraped data is for you to use in your inbox. You can use the JSON format and analyze the data in Python using Pandas and Matplotlib or any other programming language.

Although Crowley is perfect if you’re not a programmer, or just starting to scratch the surface of data science and the web, it does have limitations. Crawley can only extract specific HTML tags, including title, author, image URL, and publisher.

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3. Content mover

Content mover It’s one of my favorite web scraping tools because it’s so flexible. If you want to scrape the website and don’t want to specify other parameters, you can do so using their simple GUI (Graphical User Interface). However, if you want to have full control over the extraction parameters, Content Grabber gives you the option to do that as well.

One of the benefits of content scraping is that you can schedule data to be automatically scraped from the web. As we all know, most websites are updated regularly, so putting out regular content can be very beneficial.

Content Grabber offers a variety of formats for retrieved data, from CSV to JSON to SQL Server or MySQL.

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4. Webhose.io

Webhose.io It’s a web scraper that lets you extract enterprise-grade and real-time data from any online resource. The data collected by Webhose.io is structured, clean, includes sentiment and entity recognition and is available in formats such as XML, RSS and JSON.

Webhose.io provides comprehensive data coverage for any public website. In addition, it offers several filters to filter the extracted data so that you can perform a few cleaning tasks and jump directly to the analysis stage.

The free version of Webhose.io provides 1000 HTTP requests per month. Paid plans offer additional calls, power over available data and additional benefits such as image analysis, geolocation and up to 10 years of archived historical data.

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5. ParseHub

ParseHub It’s a powerful web scraping tool that anyone can use for free. It provides reliable and accurate data extraction at the click of a button. You can also schedule scratch times to keep your data up to date.

One of ParseHub’s strengths is that it can scrape even the most complex web pages with ease. You can even command it to search for forms, menus, access web pages, and click on images or maps for additional datasets.

You can also provide ParseHub with various links and some keywords and it will pull up important information in seconds. Finally, you can use the REST API to download the extracted data in JSON or CSV formats for analysis. You can also export the collected data as a Google Sheet or Table.

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6. Scrapingbee

It is our last scratch tool on the list Scrapingbee. Scrapingbee provides an API for web scraping that handles even the most complex JavaScript pages and converts them into raw HTML for you to use. Moreover, it has a separate API for web scraping using Google Search.

Scrapingbee can be used in one of three ways:

  1. General web scraping, such as extracting stock prices or customer reviews
  2. A search engine results page (SERP) that you can use for SEO or keyword tracking.
  3. Advanced hacking that involves extracting contact information or social media information

Scrapingbee offers a free plan that includes 1000 credits and paid plans for unlimited usage.

Collecting data for your projects is probably the least fun and most tedious step during A. Data science project Work process. This task can be time-consuming. Whether you work for a company or freelance, you know that time is money, which means there’s always a more efficient way to do something.

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