4 tools to easily set up your own website for free (with a custom domain) | By Burke

No WordPress here!

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An online presence isn’t mandatory for online success, but it can’t hurt to point your fans to a little space on the web.

This quickly becomes overwhelming though. A gazillion services to choose from.

  • Some are great, others are boring.
  • Some are free, while others are very expensive.
  • Some are easy, others require a PhD in computer science to get started.

Let’s take a look at some platforms for beginners and less techies.

Set up initially with WordPress.org or pay monthly for a web developer like Squarespace, Wordpress.com, Wix, etc. I don’t recommend paying.

I really don’t want to.

In many cases it is a waste of time and money. Even if you are thinking of creating a blog. We’ll go there in a minute.

Trust me, I’ve done this a thousand times before. I create WordPress blogs and develop WordPress themes. It’s fun, but not easy. And the tools that make it easy aren’t free. Or cheap.

Instead, let’s look at other avenues you can take.

The easiest way to start a simple, yet functional and useful website is a Landing page service as a Linktree, Bio.linkAnd so on.

Everyone must have seen them by now. Linktree is one of many similar platforms. Linktree is good, others may suit you better. I have compiled a short list of linktree options here.

Key facts

  • Landing page builders are fast and anyone can do them. No learning curve involved.
  • Linktree And partners are free, to some extent, as an alternative to paid plans
  • For some websites you can add a custom domain, meaning you get yourname.com instead of linktr.ee/yourname (simple example), for most this is only available in paid plans.
  • Landing page sites provide useful analytics to gain insights about visitors
  • They offer dozens of add-ons, integrations, etc.
  • You can customize your microsite in many ways.

It’s hard to find a custom domain on platforms like Linktree. Bio.link This feature will be added for free soon which is amazing.

Linktree and alternatives often only offer a single landing page. You may need more than that.

In this case, check out other site builders for free. It will be a hybrid between Linktree and a “real” website as services. Card, Poppy (Affiliate link*)Or Harvesting milk.

With these two platforms, you can create visually appealing sites with multiple pages or cards. It’s not spacious, but it’s a bit bigger than what Linktree offers.

Key facts:

You know you can quickly Turning a thinking page to a website? There are many tools that work perfectly. Although many of them cost money. It is one of the most popular Super.

If you do a little hunting on the web, you will find free options. One of them again, Poppy (Affiliate link*).

It’s a dead-simple service in my opinion, but the result is a beautiful and highly customizable website on top of Notion.

And the best part: PoppyEven if you want to add a custom domain * it’s free.

Idea is also free, and a great way to combine a powerful productivity tool with your website building needs. I use Nosh for everything. I write my medium stories in Notion (on the go too!). I created a notation writing system called Medium operating system. I’m a big fan of Notion.

Key facts

Even if you need a website, blog and store to sell digital products, you can get them all for free. No need to pay for Shopify, website and CMS.

Use it easily Gumroad Or Payment (Affiliate link*). Both sales platforms are free to use with the option to link a custom domain to your site.

Gumroad has a unique design. i like it. However, customization is not possible. Payment has many options to make your site look the way you want. Here is mine Gumroad And Payment Sites.

Both services have dedicated space for blogs. Both serve as newsletter tools. Another huge plus.

Of course, Gumroad and Payhip are perfect for selling your digital products. Each of these tools is easy to understand and set up.

Key facts

  • Free and custom domain support
  • You can build a website, online store, blog and newsletter platform in one tool.
  • Payment is highly customizable.

You may need a website, but you certainly don’t need to pay to get one in the first place. So, don’t do it!

you can use wordpress.org Free if you want to develop a complex system, but for most of us, it’s overkill.

Instead, use any of the four team tools to get a website up and running in no time. Adding custom domain support to most.

  1. Linktree and similar services
  2. Card, Poppy*, or Harvesting milk
  3. Idea-based website builders love it Poppy*
  4. Gumroad Or Payment*

*Affiliate Links: I earn a small commission if you sign up through my affiliate link.

PS: Are you a mediocre writer? No, Then register here*. See also Write operating system, my comprehensive writing system for online writers. And while you’re at it, Subscribe to my newsletter. It is free. And priceless 😉
* This is my referral link. I earn a small commission, you pay no more. You will also have a chance to earn money in moderation.
I earned $3000 in the first 6 months.


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